Types of fat allowed during the diet

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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Types of fat allowed during the diet

Types of fat allowed during the diet

Types of fat allowed during the diet

The first thing that some women do to lose weight is to refrain from eating fat, thinking that this will quickly get rid of excess weight, which is not true, our bodies need a group of essential fat and useful, which will not stand in the way of weight loss, but on the contrary will help In your sense of satiety, increase the rate of metabolism, improve the body's absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and protect against cardiovascular disease.

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This is a group of foods that contain fat and you are allowed to eat during dieting, providing the body with the healthy fats it needs:

1. Red meat:

Red meat, especially beef, is essential to your body during any diet. It contains saturated fats and useful fatty acids, which strengthen the heart muscle and reduce cholesterol, and also contain a low percentage of calories.
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2. Coconut:

Coconut contains a high proportion of saturated fat because it contains lauric acid, which lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, and increases energy daily energy rates by up to 5%. You can use a lathe of grated coconut on your food, or use coconut oil.

3. Avocados:

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat, because they contain oleic acid, which lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, and avocados are rich in protein and fiber that reduce the feeling of hunger.

4. Dark chocolate:

This is good news for chocolate lovers. Black chocolate is rich in slow-digesting healthy fats and also contains antioxidants that protect against cancer and heart disease and help increase blood flow to the brain.
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5. Nuts:

The polyunsaturated fats in the nuts activate genes that reduce fat storage and improve insulin metabolism in the body. The camel's eye is one of the most important sources of these fats. It is also rich in omega-3, which helps in weight loss and treats liver problems.

6. Whole eggs:

Some people only eat white and leave the yolk, but the best is to eat the egg full, and a recent study has found that the fat in the egg yolk works to reduce cholesterol, and also contains choline, which prevents the storage of fat around the liver.

7. Yogurt:

You can count on yogurt in any diet, it makes you feel full, and it's rich in protein, calcium, good for bones, and body health in general.

8. Salmon:

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids useful for the heart and arteries, it reduces the levels of triglycerides and harmful cholesterol in the blood.

9. Olive oil:

It is rich in polyphenols that resist cancer, as well as monounsaturated fats that are beneficial to heart health, and also increases the secretion of the adiponectin hormone, which is responsible for breaking fat in the body. It improves the level of serotonin, the hormone associated with satiety.

10. Whole fat milk:

If you are keen on skimmed milk, you will be surprised by the results of a study published in 2013 in the European Journal of Nutrition. Which found that people who ate whole-fat dairy products were less likely to be obese than those who ate skimmed milk products.

The study denied the existence of a relationship between whole milk fat and heart disease or diabetes, but on the contrary, contains milk fats on the acids stimulate the centers of burning calories in the body.

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11. Tuna:

One of the richest sources of "omega-3", contains a group of fatty acids that help regulate the genes responsible for the formation of fat in the abdominal area, so reluctant to expand in size.

12. Linseed and Shea seeds:

They are important sources of Omega 3 and fiber and help improve blood circulation, improve heart efficiency and prevent arterial disease. Fiber also helps to feel fuller for a longer period, improving digestion and bowel movements.

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